The ISS offers a unique opportunity to prepare for exploration. Presentations will include scientific, technological, and operational research aboard ISS that benefits future exploration to the Moon and beyond.
Chair: Kirk Shireman, ISS Program Manager, NASA, USA
Organizer: John-David Bartoe, Retired Astronaut
George Nelson, Manager, Technology and Science Research Office, ISS Program Office, NASA, USA
“An Overview of Exploration Technology Development on ISS”
James Broyan, Advanced Exploration Systems Logistics Reduction Manager, NASA, USA
“The Universal Waste Management System”
Reinhold Ewald, Retired Astronaut, Professor, University of Stuttgart, Germany
“The Stuttgart Photobioreactor Experiment”
Laura Shaw, Program Lead, ISS Exploration Life Support Systems, NASA, USA
“Advanced Life Support Systems”
Eugene Schwanbeck, ISS Solar Array Project Manager, ISS Vehicle Office, NASA, USA
“Advanced Solar Arrays on the ISS”
(Open to invited students and faculty only)